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welcome to cardcaptors v3! s

DISCLAIMER! this site was made on a 1600x1200 screen on a windows pc using chrome, so itll probably look really off on other resolutions or browsers.. made with lots of love in mind! hello. hello, welcome to CARDCAPTORS VER 3! k im mari, the webmaster, and welcome to my personal little hellsite! this is my personal unholy amalgation filled with the things i love, and god knows what else! maybe acid? fruit juice? who knows! this website is like my little web baby and i cherish it a whole lot, and i hope youll feel the same about my site too, my goal is to make other people happy and provide them a feeling of love and joy (get it cuz. the song) but yeah, i hope i can succeed at that goal! tysm for viewing this site, if you want to, feel free to link either one of my button(s) on the left, have a nice day, and thank you for reading this introduction! if you like this site or if you have any inquiries or constructive criticism, feel free to send them to my guestbook or cbox!

another note, this site is constantly under construction and layouts change quite frequently! im still trying to learn and get the hang of coding layouts, thank you for reading~

please do not steal my entire site layout and what not, i dont mind/dont care if youre using tiny snippets to help out or figure out something i did on this site, but PLEASE just not the entire layout!! @_@;; if you really want some help with any specific codes i used PLEASE just ask and ill be happy to help out!

link my button! CD
slap one of my buttons onto ur site!!
if u happen to, thank you so so much + lmk in my chatbox/profile if youve linked me! ^__^

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webrings! K
this also includes cliques and
widgets but shhh...

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my chatbox! GD
have any inquiries or wanna say hello?
free free to do so by msging me here!!
fanlistings! i

whats new? h

8.22.23 oh my god. oh my GOD!! i finally finished this page after like what? 2-3 days of planning and coding? and i do NOT regret it one bit!!! i really like how this theme turned out + its a lot less laggy than my last two site layouts, hopefully i can finish alllll of the other pages before school starts somehow, i still have to organize all of the site folders too, wish me luck!
neat sites!! a
a lot of cool sites for u to check out!
such as resource sites aswell as my site neighbors,
or sites i just think look pretty!