
link me!
if u do happen to link me tysm, + let me know if u link me on my cbox or profile so i can link ur button back! ♡

welcome to cardcaptors!
this site was made on a 1600x1200 screen on windows so it may not look right sometimes on other screens or browsers.. also dont view on mobile PLEASE
hello hello, welcome to cardcaptors! i am the webmaster, mari, and welcome to my webbed site! this is my evil (not really) glitter filled lair where i combine everything i love into one unholy amalgamation! it is also a huge work in progress, i made this website for fun and for speculation! (kind of?? not really) my goal for this site is to invoke a feeling of happiness and comfort, and hopefully i can succeed at that sooner or later! and without further ado, enjoy cardcaptors!! feel free to explore my site, leave a comment on my cbox, or feel free to link me on ur site if u'd like!! if youre leaving so soon, feel free to explore these cool sites below too, its your choice!! ☆ (also p,s apologies for the lack of cardcaptor sakura things on my site T_T)
featured pic..

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Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness.

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to-do list
  • start working on reko yabusame shrine
  • remake aigis shrine
  • finish about me section
  • not rly a site thing exactly?? but finish watching gameplay of the ace attorney trilogy
  • start working on art gallery
  • make little witch academia shrine
  • again, shrine related but start working on revstars shrine
  • start dream diary page
my gifypet
established on january 17th, 2023 ☆ made with love (and a bit of frustration) ☆ 2023 - FOREVER